Contact Information
Please provide your contact information.
Event/Promotion Information
(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)
(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)
(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)
(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)
(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)
(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)
Financial Information
Estimate revenue from your event (your group will not be held liable for the amounts listed). The following is a planning tool to help us understand the scope of your event.
(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)
Note: all donations must be made within 45 days of completion of the event or promotion.
*We appreciate the event you are holding to benefit SHH. We will consider your requests for additional support and will follow up with you with a confirmation of our support.