Summer Food Service Program FAQ

Q: What is the free summer meal program for kids (Summer Food Service Program)?

A: The free summer meal program makes sure kids have access to free healthy meals over the summer when they are not in school. Proper nutrition is important over the summer, so kids can return to school healthy and ready to learn. Free summer meal sites are located throughout the United States and throughout the state of Minnesota. Kids can drop by these meal sites during their meal service times and eat for free!

Q: Who can eat at the meal sites?

A: All kids 18 and under can eat for free at any of the meal sites listed on the map.

Q: Do I need to register or reserve a spot?

A: This is an open meal program which means you do not need to call ahead, sign-up, or fill out paperwork! If you are 18 and under, you can simply show up and eat!

Q: Do I need to bring anything with me when I go to the meal site?

A: No. There are no required documents or paperwork needed. You will not be asked to fill out any information at the meal site.

Q: Which meals are served?

A: This depends on the meal site. Each meal site can serve up to two meals per day (example: Breakfast & Lunch, Snack & Dinner). Check on the map or call the meal site near you to find out which meals they are serving, and what time the meals are served.

Q: What type of food is served?

A: The specific meal menu varies depending on the site. Lunch is usually a sandwich, fruit, veggie, and milk.

Q: When are meals served?

A: Meal service times are different for each site. To find out what time meals are served at a site near you, look at the meal site map, or call the meal site directly.

Q: Are parents allowed to eat too?

A: Meals are for children 18 years and under only. Parents are welcome to come with their children and sit with them while they eat.

Q: Can we take the meal home?

A: The meal must be eaten at the meal site. Meals are not allowed to be taken home with the child.

Q: How many kids will be at the meal site?

A: There are hundreds of meal sites across the state, and each meal site is a little different. Some meal sites are large and some are small. To find out more information about a specific meal site, call the meal site directly and ask to speak with someone about the free summer food program for kids.

Q: Can I attend a meal site that is not in my neighborhood?

A: You are welcome to attend any meal site. All meal sites listed on the map are open, and will serve meals to anyone 18 years old and under.

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